On the 24th and 25th of June, my housemate Stef, took me on a roadtrip to her beachhouse in Anglesea. Anglesea is along the Great Ocean Road, east of Melbourne. During our stay we went to Lorne (pronounced "Lawn" in Australian accent" to explore the beach as well as take a hike down to the Erksine Falls.
At Lorne Beach I was fascinated by the rock holes along the shore. It seems as though the water has fossilized and molded the rock into holes that look like a sponge. It was cold at the beach (as it is winter here in June), but the spectacular rock formations made up for the weather.
As I walked along, I also found a small monument of 12 rocks set up by beach-goers, to replicate the "12 Apostles." The 12 Apostles are large rock formations that protrude out of the ocean along the Great Ocean Road (See image below).